Retired Pastor & Missionary

1932 - 2017

Created by Peter 6 years ago

In my childhood, many missionaries stayed in our home. The Old Fashioned Revival Hour with "Dr Charles E Fuller speaking" was regular radio listening. It was no surprise that I left the bank I worked in to enter theological college, age 20. Having become a follower of Jesus as a child I was drawn to a deep interest in children's ministry.

Three themes re-occur in my life: 1. Cross-Cultural Mission, 2. Christian ministry with an emphasis on Christian Education, 3. Involvement with finance as a means of fulfilling themes 1 & 2.

Prior to entering theological college under Professor Rev George Morling and Rev B.G. Wright, my pastors were Rev Neville Horn, Rev T Russel Ecob, Pastor Robert Leghorn and Rev Lysle Thompson. These were evangelists and mostly in the futurist school of prophecy. In parallel with BCNSW studies I completed work on the Melbourne College of Divinity's L.Th and Dip R.E. and graduated dux of our college.

During and after college saw me encouraging children's clubs and vacational bible clubs reaching children from non-church homes, auditing church's books, leading children's camps, producing daily bible reading notes and encouraging mission support. And a new theme - planting a new congregation.

This was followed by cross-cultural mission in PNG and pastoring in Australia, supporting the family by working in business enterprises, doing mission and planting churches. Then came years of general pastoral ministry with emphasis on education, then full-time ministry in Christian education and involvement in denominational finance and its promotion. Disbursed between these I earned both B.Com and B.Ed.St. from Queensland University and took up membership in AIM. The closing years saw fulltime work in commercial employment, pastoral ministry, and cross-cultural mission. Retirement ministries have been church treasurer, BUQ treasurer, church auditor, interim pastor.

Written By Trevor

From his LinkeIn profile