An Influence for Good. An Influence for God.

1977 - 1983

Created by Peter 6 years ago

As one becomes a bit older, and hopefully a bit wiser, one comes to a place of reflection, particularly when something of significance occurs. Reflection has a way of mostly remembering the good memories and I think that is for the good. So, on hearing of the passing of Tready Ross on Monday night, I have come to a sad yet familiar place to remember and reflect on someone who had a significant influence on my life.

I was in the second decade of my life when Trevor Ross and his lovely wife Joan came to Annerley Baptist Church as pastor. The previous pastor Allan Burgess was dearly loved by the congregation and many like my Mum were saddened when he stepped down from the pastorate. Trevor came along with the same Baptist doctrine but preached with a clear challenging tone. In a sense, Allan did much sowing of the seed of faith and Trevor saw the reaping.

Annerley Baptist was the church of my youth and pastors like Trevor had much influence. That Trevor was not only a reverend but also an accountant was an irony I came to see as I looked back. Annerley had something like a dozen accountants - out of 150 people. As well as Trevor, it had other pastors in the past who had been accountants. I think this was one of the endearing features to me. As I started my studies, Trevor was someone I could ask questions of and share with, about accounting and the challenges of life, and Trevor could relate with an empathy of one who saw things in a similar way.

What I really liked about Trevor was how he could marry his faith and his work. They never seemed to clash because he spoke of his choices in life in an honest and humble way, and was prepared to walk away from the glitz, the gold and the glamour to live down to Earth whilst also looking up no matter what circumstances of life came his way.

That is how I remember Trevor. Sure he had his weaknesses, like us all. And at 85 years of age I sense he was ready to go. It’s been over 34 years since he was my pastor, and there are sermons of his I can still remember. That’s not bad ... planting seed for harvests that may come years and even decades later to influence others for good, and in faith, others for God.

I am sure there are many other testimonials written or being written about Trevor, but the things I recall are from the influence he made in my life. For that, I am truly thankful.

Robert John White
28 November at 22:57 
Brisbane, QLD 
(Reposted from Facebook)